Website rental: why buy it if you can rent it?

You want to be present on the web with you can’t afford a website for your business? Our website rental service was created for companies and small entrepreneurs who cannot afford major investments. We will take care of:

Thanks to a market analysis, we can confirm you that ...

For the creation of a 10 pages website with up to 10 optimized keywords and no guarantee of Google first page, the cost varies from € 6,000 to € 10,000

At IN YOUR MIND we have filled this this gap with the website rental service.


Today, deciding not to be on the internet will cost you a considerable turnover loss. What are you waiting for? IN YOUR MIND websites are the solution you were looking for.

How can I rent a website?

Design and indexing costs can be too much for some companies and, even if the prices are affordable, no one can guarantee them that the website will be on Google’s first page. Many agencies always respond inaccurately and without any guarantee contract about the positioning.

Here comes the WEBSITE RENTAL SERIVCE: our small big company was born 15 years ago just because of these problems. Our CEO needed a website to promote air conditioning and boilers installation services, but the fares were too high. Instead of giving up, he took classes on weekends and learnt how to make websites himself.

Today he is the owner of a web agency that boasts numerous websites created for prestigious companies. This gave us the strength to start this wonderful adventure that will allow all businesses, be they large or small, to have their own site and therefore their own digital image. In this way they will be able to offer the best services to their customers without worrying about heavy investments .

The WEBSITE RENTAL SERVICE means "NO WORRIES". If you can't afford a site of your own, you can take advantage of the Website Rental option.

The rental of a website with IN YOUR MIND gives you the opportunity to benefit of all the services and products without purchasing them.
You will just rent them but you will still be able to independently manage all the aspects of your website: content updates, photos, texts, gallery.

Today companies and their customers meet and work online.

For this reason, IN YOUR MIND has decided to dedicate an entire team to web and digital services, with a complete offer that allows to rent indexed websites. If your business is not yet among our ready websites, we will create it from scratch without any additional costs. You will only pay the monthly fee.

Google-optimized websites,
Advanced e-commerce websites,
SEO actions to improve performance,
Digital stores,
a complete and personalized advertising strategy.

With IN YOUR MIND the potentials of the web are within everyone’s reach, every day.

The service is addressed to all the aspiring entrepreneurs, to those with goodwill and a strong entrepreneurial spirit, to all those who trust their abilities and believe in the potential of their ideas. You will have everything you need with a small rental fee and your business ideas will be ready to take shape!

So why not take advantage of it by renting a website for a very small monthly fee?

Why not try the potential of a website for your new business by investing a small amount of money?

Why not have a website without maintenance costs or a pricey down payment?

No additional fees, just a small monthly fee for your new life on the web.

During the start-up phase, it’s essential to show your business image, create a brand identity and fix the foundations of the company.

We agree with Craig Barrett when he says: “The Internet will be for the economy of the 21st century what gasoline was for the 20th century”.

For more information on the websites and to know more about us click here

...or give us a call!
