Why build an e-commerce site?

You have a shop and now you want to sell your products online? Then an e-commerce is what you need. We can create for you B2B or B2C e-commerce shops that will allow you to expand the number of your potential customers and expand your brand anywhere you want.

Many of your competitors are already on the internet with their brands and you also want to reach new markets?

Contact In Your Mind: we can work for your e-commerce or start a new brand together to reach a new online audience.
We can also help you create a shop on the major retail marketplaces, such as Amazon, Ebay, and Etsy.
If you wish to join niche markets like Mercatino.it, there is no problem at all. We can help you for this too.

Tell us about your business idea and we will send you a free quote for the project!

realizzazione siti e-commerce

Realization of E-commerce websites: 6 reasons to create a website to sell online

Are you thinking of an e-commerce site for your business? Would you like to sell online and expand your market?

In this article you will discover all the benefits of an e-commerce website to increase your online visibility and your turnover.

An e-commerce website is convenient not only for the customers, but also for you

Through an online platform, small and large companies can aim to increase their turnover and the customer loyalty. These goals that can be achieved with quality work and an impeccable customer service, aimed to offer a pleasant shopping experience.

Are you ready to dive into the world of e-commerce and seize the opportunities offered by the internet?

6 reasons to open an e-commerce


Your online shop is always open

An advantage of online shopping is the possibility to buy anytime we want, without limits of days and time.

This is a privilege not only for the buyer, who can choose when making purchases, but also for the seller who will never feel forced to close the door of the store.

On an e-commerce website there are no weekdays and holidays, and it is possible to manage orders easily, even during short periods of inactivity.

Furthermore, to sell online it is not necessary to own a warehouse: some sellers choose the dropshipping option, a sales system that allows packaging and shipping processes to be delegated directly to the supplier.


Multiply your business opportunities

If you are a small/medium business, your sales will probably be connected to a specific area. If instead you are a large or a multinational company, you will certainly have a wider range of action.

Whether you operate locally, nationally or internationally, the fact is: you can’t be anywhere. But with the internet you can.

With an e-commerce you can expand your catchment area, become more popular abroad and win new market shares.

The case in which new interesting business opportunities arise is not rare. E-commerce is therefore a channel that should not be underestimated, especially today, where competitiveness between companies is also measured in clicks.


Saving: an e-commerce has lower costs

The costs to start and maintain an e-commerce are lower than for a traditional store.

To keep the business going it is not necessary to rent a room, pay the costs (there are no structural costs!) and hire personnel. Even setting up your own online showcase is simpler: just create categories, insert products and add detailed descriptions and high-resolution images.

So even a small company that does not have a large budgets can think of opening its own online shop, in accordance with its corporate goals and strategies.

realizzazione siti e-commerce


An easier planning of your commercial activities

With a click you can launch a promotional offer or spread a new online advertising campaign.

By connecting to an e-commerce, everyone can learn about product news, upcoming releases, and current promotions in real time.

Instead, it is very different to communicate a price change or to promote an in-store promotional campaign: it is necessary to make a more massive communication, organize events, and supply stores.

With this, we don’t want to say that these tools are useless. Integrated actions are actually those that often brings the best results. But, we want to point out that online activities can be carried out quicker.


Gain more visibility

realizzazione siti e-commerce

Even if the e-commerce site has a strictly trading function, oriented towards sales and turnover increase, it also contributes to the definition of the corporate image.

Have you ever searched for an e-commerce (maybe of a big brand) from which you wanted to shop and found out that it didn’t actually exist? Today the benefit of e-commerce are obvious.

Through the online sales platform, a company can create value for its customers.


Offering a customer-oriented quality service. Focusing on the client and on the communication with the customer is important to implement an effective strategy, capable of generating a positive impression.


Profile your target and implement new strategies

What are the benefits of an e-commerce?

First of all, you can easily monitor your sales through this channel.

There are many web analytics tools available​ to acquire a complete insight of the sales trends. But it doesn’t end here. Through an e-commerce it is possible to monitor the user’s movements on the website, such as the most viewed products, the transactions carried out and many other valuable information to profile the target.

Through a careful analysis of the acquired data and of the target, it is possible to understand the effectiveness of each single campaign and implement new  (and more effective) sales strategies.

Online shopping trends show that the mistrust that characterized the initial e-commerce times has given way to greater confidence in online transactions. Nevertheless, some complain that with e-commerce it is not possible to touch the product and establish a “physical” contact with the interlocutor.

It is undeniable that the online shopping experience is different from the in-store experience, but this does not mean that one is better than the other.

As we have seen, creating an e-commerce site means achieving marketing goals that would otherwise have been unthinkable, such as reaching vast audiences and selling products overseas. Moreover, often, through an attentive customer care, it is possible to partially compensate for these shortcomings, offering a highly rewarding shopping experience.

Contact us if you want to build a SEO oriented e-commerce!

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